Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ghost Hunt: Update

Click to Play.

For critique tomorrow, it has been updated, with the bug that "breaks" the game fixed. Turns out i needed an if, else if statement that we learned in class today for my game to support both conditions. Who would have thought?

Anyways, I took the advice of the class and created a level progression system, and and system for losing. It was always my intention to create a program that mimics the principles of games of old. Because of that, i have focused my game around a few things:

1) Simple, pick up and play mechanics.
2) An easy introductory level to familiarize one with the game mechanics.
3) Rapidly increasing difficulty past level 1.
4) Analyzing the patterns of each wave of enemies to find the best way to complete each level.

There are only 2 levels at the moment, but I am hoping that the increase in speed and difficulty between level 1 and 2 conveys the intentions i had when creating this.

My main difficulty i ran into was in trying to figure out the error i had before, with getting each level to progress. I realized that i had two seperate conditions that i was trying to fulfill with one statement, and by organizing my code and being careful not to override commands of the same function, I was able to complete this without having any bugs... that i know of at least.

I will be posting my next assignment later tonight once its finished.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you got this working. Only thing I have to say after playing is.... level 2 is evil.

Ms. Singleton said...

this is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The directions in the beginning informs the user in the features you have created. the background sets the mood more. you should totally charge a dollar or something for uses to play for a halloween game! :)